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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Walter Andrews
Stephen Andrews uploaded photo(s)
Friday, October 4, 2024

One of my most fondest memories that come to mind when I think of my father has to be when we lived in Fort MacMurray. We had been there a couple years and I remember dad had worked his way up into a higher position, one of his first paychecks came in and he pulled me into the kitchen early one morning. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a bug wad of cash, here I was waiting to here that he had won the lottery or found somebody's wallet. But I remember him saying some along the lines of: "With this new job we will never have to worry Stephen, you can have whatever you want you'll never have to go without." And in the moment he not showed me that hard work can pay off in a big way, but he also gave himself a seemingly limitless supply of confidence. And with that he was able to make any of his dreams come true, he had so many goals ahead of him and to say they were taken from him would just be false. Because I know that he is determined enough to find a way no matter where he is.
We all love you so very much Dad and we hope you rest easy up there, my heart goes out Sharon and her family. Even while he is gone he is still making his family so much bigger with his kindness.
- Your son, Stephen Walter Charles Andrews III
Yvette Dowd posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
My upmost sincere condolences and deepest sympathies to all of Walt’s family and friends. I was fortunate and blessed to have known Walt and was heartbroken to hear of his passing. RIP my friend. You may be gone but will never be forgotten!
Jacqueline Regular posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Gary and I send our most sincere condolences on the passing of your brother, Walter.
Jackie Regular
BJ Coffey posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
I would like to send sincere condolences to all of Walt’s family during this difficult time. Walt was great friend co worker and supervisor. I will sure miss our chats about hunting and stories he told me of days when he just started fishing with his dad. Rest in peace Walt
Bob Piercey posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Walt was my student at St. James School in Francois, and later he became my Brother In Law. My first year teaching there I took him, and a few of his buddies up partridge hunting on the hills behing the community. After hours of walking, and even more laughing, with no partridges to show, we stopped for a 'boil up.' I was sitting against a rock, the boys behind me, sitting, waiting for the kettle to boil, when a sparrow landed in the tree in front of me. I said to the young fellas, " look bys, only bird we've seen today!" No sooner than I had the words out, when 'bang' someone had picked up my 410 shotgun, and all that was left was feathers flying in the air! I turned to see my gun lying on the ground, and the three boys smiling and grinning from ear to ear! Walt claimed it wasn't him, as did the other two boys! I couldn't get mad at them, they were just being boys. Over the years, when ever we'd meet up, Walt would always bring up that story. I can still see his beautiful big smile, and the devilish twinkle in his eyes! Walt was a gentle, wonderful man. You'll be forever missed. Hope there's no 'spars' in heaven big guy!
Glenda Harris uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Q: What was Walter like as a child?
A: Walter was always a happy go lucky type of guy even as a child . But he was best known for telling on himself . One day he came home and he looked so suspicious, so we knew he did something . Before anyone said anything he Said , "mom I didn't hit Colin". And not long after the phone rang and this was colin mother telling mom about how he hit Colin . Lol .
You never had to ask Wakter if he was up to no good because he would eventually tell on himself anyway.
Walter my darling brother, I still find it hard to believe that God has called you home so early. It breaks my heart knowing I will never hear you gutsy laugh ever again or be able to sit and have a chat and listen to your silly jokes. You were taken from us way to early my love. I miss you so much, I love you Walter, until we meet again. Rest in peace my darling brother.
Tyler Andrews uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, September 21, 2024



Gracie posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
I remember the countless nights me and dad would spend out in the garage just hanging out. We would dance to the music he played on the speakers, craft something we definitely weren’t going to use or even needed in the first place, and laugh about the silliest things. I remember the late nights he spent building projects just for me, whether that be models of the planet Mercury for school or a beautifully crafted boat for a float-contest in science class. He was always so proud of me no matter what, and I’ll always be grateful for that. I wish he could have seen me graduate University. I cant believe we said our special goodnight saying for the last time and I didn’t even know it. I love you dad, don’t let the bed bugs bite.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Walter Andrews
Saturday, September 21, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Robert Anderson Funeral Service, Inc. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Walter Charles Andrews uploaded a photo
Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Sheena Benoit posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Q: What was one of your favorite qualities of Walter?
A: One of my fav qualities of my uncle Walt was that he could put a smile on the grumpiest of people and make them laugh till their face hurt he was famous for making people laugh. He came to visit me in Biggar once and I was so happy my first family member to come see me (because they all live so far away) he instantly made me feel like I had a piece of Newfoundland here with me in the big old Saskatchewan. I’ll be forever grateful for the memories I have with him. Rest easy uncle Walt till we meet again !
Paula Andrews posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
I have some great memories of Walter, and wish we had time to create more. I remember driving down to Fort McMurray with Elijah. It was his very first time meeting you and he took to you so very fast. So excited to show you his movie that he was watching, each individual toy he brought down with him and just leading you around everywhere. Or when you came to visit us to ring in the New Year, I had orange juice on tap and you were so very quick to get me whatever I needed since I was pregnant with Elizabeth. And then when you came to visit and meet your granddaughter for the first time, you had the biggest smile on your face whenever you were around the kids. I know they brought you so much joy, and wish you could've been here to see them grow up. Rest in piece Walter, we know you're watching over us.
Poole Patricia posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Condolences to Walts family and friends.
Tyler Andrews posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
I cant choose just one memory to remember because they were all such fond ones that one can never forget. I remember going out with my dad catching walleye and ending up catching my first fish and he was so proud we had to take a picture together. I remember all the nights spent sitting up with him helping me do my math homework because there was nobody else that I knew who was as smart as him. Whenever I had life problems, or even needed advice for girls growing up he was always there. I loved talking on the phone with him whenever we could, whether it be to see Elijah or Elizabeth, or to talk about work and how we are both doing. I really miss you dad, it's going to hurt for a long time, but I know no matter what you're looking down on us and smiling. I love you dad. I'll see you again one day but until then, rest easy captain.
Valerie Cook posted a condolence
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Andrews Family, we are so sorry to hear of Walt’s passing, you are all in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
Valerie and Peter Cook
Robert Anderson
Funeral Services, Inc.
115-190 MacAlpine Crescent
Fort McMurray, AB
T9H 4A6
P: (780) 790-1220
F: (780) 790-9199