Plant a tree in memory of Florence
An environmentally friendly option
Sandy (Brouse) Watson lit a candle
Thursday, January 16, 2020

I'm so sorry to read this. Years ago, living in Lake Cowichan, I became a good friend with Peggy, Flo and at the time little Yera. My younger son at the time and Yera would have fun together riding the scooter and bike outside. The last time I saw Flo was on a Ferry ride back around 1997. Over these years I would check Facebook, hoping to catch up with her and her life. She was a good friend to me, we always had some good laughs over tea and I would tease her about the "weird" foods she would eat. I know she had a great love for Jesus, and would fight for her beliefs. We would always search each other out after church to grab a hug and make a tea app't for that week. Rest in Christ's love my friend... I won't forget you.. <3
The family of Florence Marie Rita Krohn uploaded a photo
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

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Robert Anderson
Funeral Services, Inc.
115-190 MacAlpine Crescent
Fort McMurray, AB
T9H 4A6
P: (780) 790-1220
F: (780) 790-9199